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› Articles › The Horror Behind the Gross Art of Sneeze and Cough
But a sneeze is even worse.
A sneeze can produce as many as 40,000 droplets with a speed greater than 200 miles per hour. Most droplets less than 100 microns in size, which is a size comparable to human hair
The heavier the droplets are, the faster they tend to fall to the ground. While the lighter and smaller droplets are less affected by gravity. They remain suspended in the air, hence, the term airborne.
While the lighter droplets automatically become airborne particles, it is not an assurance that the heavier droplets will remain stagnant on the ground. Movements inside a room can disturb the heavier droplets, making them also airborne. Opening a door can dramatically disturbed the airflow inside a room, spreading the contaminants even more.
More movement means higher possibility of producing airborne particles, thus, affecting the safety and purity of drug products. In order to minimize this kind of contamination, a clean room is required specifically for those products that are intended to be consumed by human, either in a sterile or non-sterile form.
Most airborne diseases like tuberculosis (TB) is also transmitted through airborne particles. TB patients accessing services at healthcare facilities require access to facilities for sputum induction and collection. Sputum induction and collection is considered a high risk activity due to the nature of TB transmission and the methods normally used. Facilities that can minimized contamination is needed during sputum testing and collection and the best accepted equipment to control contaminants for these processes is the sputum booth.
A cleanroom is a specially constructed room in which the concentration of airborne particles is controlled, with respect to airborne particulates, temperature, humidity, airflow patterns, air motion and pressure. (ISO)
Moreover, sets of equipment are also recommended to maintain the efficacy of cleanrooms. Esco Pharma offers the Cross Contamination Facility Integrated Barrier (CCFIB). These equipment can prevent contamination in all forms, keeping the product sterile while providing optimum protection for the operator and the environment – living a life with NO FEAR.
1. Keegan, Natalie. February 2017. Time to Put Your Hand Up. Retrieved from, accessed last October 27, 2017
2. Jaslow, Ryan. April 2014. Gross! Coughs and Sneezes from Travelling Disease Clouds. Retrieved from, accessed last October 27, 2017
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